This forum software has now been archived into static HTML page (i.e. it does not function as a working forum anymore, so you cannot login.)
In due course a new forum will be available to help support newer CamStudio versions.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
In due course a new forum will be available to help support newer CamStudio versions.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
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Every time a new version is released, it'll be posted here, so keep one eye on this ...165 discussions 927 comments Most recent: Fantastic News! CamStudio is finally on Google's Compliant Apps List! by TerryBritton on June 2016
This forum is for bug reports and support for the 2.6b build only.145 discussions 780 comments Most recent: Fixed Region Selection Not Working Properly by TerryBritton on October 2016
Fixed a bug? Written a new feature? Post it here ...18 discussions 167 comments Most recent: What do you want to see in the new Camstudio edition? by tanisthalon on August 2015
This category contains a compilation of often repeated questions and answers, problems and solutions or problems and the fact that there is no solution yet. Write access is restricted to a few specific members only (moderators). If a question is introduced by a common member, moderator can decide that question and answer are important and will be put here. For readability some repeated pieces of the discussion might be removed.42 discussions 283 comments Most recent: For Recording Animated Cursors by TerryBritton on June 2017
Want to talk about anything else? Bung it here ...263 discussions 1.1K comments Most recent: How to repair this corrupt .avi file from BSoD? by TerryBritton on May 2018
This is the place to post any graphics you've created like icons, SWF player buttons or anything else ...
All discussions here are relocated from other categories. Each discussion here is seen as no longer being relevant for most of us. For that reason common members are not able to re-open a discussion her again. If you believe that a discussion is put her premature, just send an message to the forum administrator (Use Contact) and explain why you believe that discussion should be reopened.13 discussions 41 comments Most recent: Where CamStudio save a options? by TerryBritton on August 2015