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In due course a new forum will be available to help support newer CamStudio versions.
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Which compressor is best to use
Which compressor is best to use, if you want a super smoode playback?
Which compressor is best to use, if you want a super smoode playback?
To which it was added by Vopo later:
"I made another one in Xvid. I changed settings to Profile unrestricted, disable packed bitstream & b-VOPs, Quality preset real time, Target bitrate 8500 kbps (2:19, 45mb) In my opinion this one saves the honour for Xvid. But x264 still runs a bit smoother. "
Links to x.264vfw in that thread.
Jawor's Xvid can be found here:
I have been trying to record a video with audio that's 405 seconds long and camstudio keeps giving me varying messages that ultimately boil down to it can't open it, change the name, change the save location etc etc. I thought it may have gone over the 2gb limit but as I can't save it or open it with anything else I don't know what size it is. Anyway, I recorded it using xvid and ended up with audio but no video, the screen was just black.
Please could you offer some help with this? I am the most untech savvy chap in the world and have tomorrow to get this sorted before having to produce the goods for the weekend. I've trawled through loads of posts in the forums and quite frankly haven't understood one iota!
Mark 9:03PM
Sorry, what I should have said originally is that the video codec used initially was Microsoft Video 1. That's the one where CS couldn't open, save, rename. The black screen occurred when I used xvid.
Could you try opening the video made with Xvid using a different media player than the one you used initially? Sometimes that is all the issue is. Also, are you uploading to YouTube? If so, the black screen issue will go away once they finish processing it.