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camstudio 60fps recordings(how to?)

Hello guys. I'd like to know how I can get camstudio to record at 60fps.
How can I do that?

I've heard that the settings for 60fps are:
KFE 60
CFE 16
PBR 60

Is that how to get 60fps?


  • I’ve experimented with just about every combination of CFE and FPS settings, and I and I can tell you that 60 is the least workable number you can use. Divided into 1000, it yields a result of 16.666 which, if loaded into a video editor at a setting of 16.667 and 60 I/O will yield about 10 minutes of acceptable audio sync. A setting of 16 in Cam will get you very short sync at best. If you have an editor which will accept an MPEG-4/AVI file, you can capture at 5/60 with an output of 200/60 which will produce a video with decent motion and perfect sync, as well as the desired frame rate.

  • Exactly as Ken said - CamStudio is tied to a 1000-millisecond rate, and so the audio will go out of sync if you do not have PBR times CFE summing to 1000. Workable settings are:
    10 100
    20 50
    25 40
    40 25
    50 20
    100 10

    And that's about all that will stay in sync. YouTube will convert once it gets hold of the file, so do not feel it has to be exact for them.

    The KFE works anywhere from 30 to 200. 200 will save space (smaller file sizes), but may not permit satisfactory "scrubbing" when clicking on the playback progress bar.

    But really, if you want game recordings at 60fps, you really should be using OBS and not CamStudio.
  • P.S. - I didn't know of Ken's trick of capturing at 5/60 and converting that to 200/60 - awesome workaround! :-)
  • Hmm, I already had my settings to
    CFE 10
    KFE 100.. so thats good?
    Also, not really using CamStudio for gaming, I use a different recorder for that. I just want good motion videos, and my current settings give me good results..
    Thanks for the answers Ken and Terry!
  • These are the x264 settings which vopo posted a while back. They seem to be very dependable, coming close to a “set it and forget it” scheme for most uses:

    Video: x264vfw, Q100, key200, CFE 25, PBR 40
    x264vfw config: ultrafast, CRF23, Loglevel=none

    Note that the “ultra fast” is critical. 264 doesn’t seem to work well at all without it.

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