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video file playing bad

edited August 2013 in Support
HI, I recorded a video file, with h264/mpeg4-avc and camstudio 2.0, and it end up being 4gb! anyway the file is 40m long, but the first 8 minutes, are playing bad, the screen is divided in like 5 squares, with vertical blu lines and and it plays fast, like shaking!Anyone can help me?thanks so much


  • edited August 2013
    Holy cow! Are you sure you were really using h264? I'll bet no - from the sound of things, I'm willing to wager you got the "use default compressor?" prompt and went ahead and clicked OK (it shows up with that codec and Xvid and Divx if the width and height aren't even-numbered values). Thus, you have a WAY WAY WAY WAY oversized Microsoft Video One codec vid.

    I have a video showing how to use VirtualDub (included below, but watch it on YouTube in full-screen 720p) that might (really, MIGHT) work for you to rescue this, but don't hold your breath. It usually only works on files just a BIT over 2GB, not approaching 4GB.


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