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Camstudio 2.0 - Black borders in recorded video

edited April 2011 in Support
Hi, please I need help with camstudio 2.0. When I play recorded video I see black borders. How I can record video without these black borders ?!


  • fpsdilema,

    I'm not entirely certain this will fix it, but try recording using the fixed region setting, with width and height regions that are multiples of 2 or 4 (even numbers). It seems the codec you are using is padding a couple extra pixels in there when it converts the raw video.

    What codec is that, by the way?

  • I'm not sure what you want, but i found " compressor ". I'm using " VP60 Simple profile ".
  • edited April 2011

    Make certain your region setting is a multiple of 2, both width and height, if using V60 via FFDShow. I recommend using a different codec if you are doing high-motion capture - XviD, MS-MPEG4, or Lagarith Lossless. DivX also. Watch this video for a capture speed comparison (listen to the audio - the video drifts out of sync) - the juicy stuff starts at about 1:50.

    Let me know how it works.

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