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Website Suggestions

There are a few things I thought were worth mentioning regarding the Camstudio website.

1. It's difficult for me to quickly tell what the current version is. I see mentions of several versions, but nothing is clear on what the present stable version is. My guess is 2.0 is the current stable version, but that's only a best guess. I would suggest something at the top of the page which says what the present stable version is. Stable meaning not one that has problems, as in 2.1.

2. Judging from the homepage and blog, it appears that Camstudio has been abandoned. This is because there are no dates on the site with updated information. It's been nearly a year since the blog has been updated. Where are the updates on new releases? The homepage indicates that there is a new version in development, but the blog is silent on the issue. It would be a good idea to at least post SOMETHING once a month so that users know someone is still there. Even if it's something lame like "Well, we're still at the 'ol crossroads, but never fear, we will be working on it..." or something.

3. Might I suggest a wiki? It would be great if everyone involved (to include those who wish to be involved) could participate in a wiki. There could be step-by-step tutorials as well as all the help pages. They could continuously be updated AND they could be by version number. Too often these wiki help sites update the wiki, but forget that version 1.0 is very different from 2.0, so when a user looks up info, they're getting the 2.0 help when they need 1.0.

4. In addition to a wiki, or perhaps within the wiki itself, users could post links to the way they have used Camstudio. That in itself is great advertising. I realize that it could get spammed, but if it's within the wiki, users could fix that too.

I would be happy to help out on this kind of stuff (as time allows) if need be. For the moment, I have plenty of time as I've been on medical leave. The future is a bit gray because I don't know when I'll be returning to work (if ever), but I take it one day at a time.

Any comments or complaints about my ideas?


  • CamStudio is live and well!!! You are correct, Version 2.0 is the latest stable version.
    There is also V2.5 beta out. Click on this link for Youtube tutorial:
    There is considerable activity regarding CamStudio on Youtube. Just search "Camstudio" in Youtube search box. That should keep you busy for hours.
    Have no idea about Wiki, but Youtube is where its at.
    Hope this helps.
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