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Convert AVI to SWF doesn't work when recording using MSU Screen Capture codec

edited November 2010 in Support
In searching for a good lossless codec for simple 1024x768 screen capture of 3-4 hrs, I found this to give really good results:

MSU Screen Capture Lossless Codec V1.2

File size is small, and quality is very good. Resulting AVI file is viewable in any player, including virtualdub. The only issue is that the builtin AVI/SWF converter, doesn't allow converting that file. First frame is seen OK, rest of video flashes all colors of the rainbow, while audio is heard OK.

Tried all the settings but whenever that codec is used, the conversion to SWF is not possible..

If that cannot be fixed, is there a similar codec to produce small files, for screen captures with very low motion (i.e. not a game or video/movie).



  • I'd suggest to use ffmpeg as a workaround. I guess there are no active developers for now who maintain that converter. I hope I am wrong.

    I find this combination to work good enough for me. Adjust your paths and substitute %1 with your file name, or use entire thing as a batch file. You can play result (x264 video and AAC audio) with FlowPlayer. You can also convert it directly to swf, but I find FlowPlayer looking nice. It also supports a bunch of plugins. For some reason it doesn't play x264 encoded with lossless preset.

    C:\Programs\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -threads 2 -y -i %1 -an -pass 1 -vcodec libx264 -vpre veryslow_firstpass -r 10 -b 150k -f flv null.avi
    C:\Programs\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -threads 2 -y -i %1 -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ar 22050 -ab 32k -pass 2 -vcodec libx264 -vpre veryslow -r 10 -b 150k -f flv %1.f4v

    This works well for CamStudio codec 1.5. However ffmpeg doesn't work directly with MSU codec(?) so you'll have to use AviSynth as well.
  • mltmlt
    edited November 2010
    For your reference 34 min 23 seconds of 1280x720 video took 1.27Gb for 200 fps capture request. I'd suggest to try to record a short segment and estimate your maximum capture rate. Perhaps you'd have to decrease capture rate to ~60 fps to fit into 2Gb limit for 3hr video and camstudio codec 1.5 (don't use 1.4)

    P.S. I don't mix video and audio into single file to avoid possible problems. This option is available in one of the recent commits.
  • You should be able to decrease the fps to 25/capture every 40ms for full motion video, down to 20/capture every 50ms for desktop recording and for powerpoint presentations you can drop it down to 10fps/capture every 100ms

    Use FFDshow tryout codec (H.264 encoder, 700kbps quality setting)

    Don't use MSU codec - it's got great compression on its own, but you can't convert to SWF (as you've found out) and you can't upload it to YouTube.


    Nick :o)
  • Nick:

    How do you work with ffdshow-tryout? I get incorrect playback rate:(
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