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How to Record Go To Meeting Webinar using Camstudio?

edited May 2012 in Announcements
Hi, I am using Camstudio software for recording my Go To Meeting Webniar. But here my problem is after recording the webinar it is showing me the video but I am unable to hear the presenter voice in the recorded file.

Could you please help me what are the necessary settings in order to hear presenter audio as well.

Here i am using Windows 7 OS.

Thanks & Regards,


  • navin4ru,

    Go to YouTube and check out the various videos in my playlist on using Stereo Mix to capture the system audio into CamStudio (or any other recorder, in fact...)

    If you do not have Stereo Mix, the problem becomes formidable, though not insurmountable. You can use an attenuating patch cable from the speaker/headphone out into the mic-in if you need to, or into the line-in if you have that, but Stereo Mix is definitely the preferable method.

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