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Lossless Codec Settings

edited May 2011 in Support
Every time I set the compression number to anything but 6, it resets to 6. How can I record with a different setting without it resetting? I would like to record with 1, but it keeps resetinf to 6.


  • Are you running under Vista or Win7? If so, the settings are lost if you do not right-click on the CamStudio icon and select "Run as Administrator". However, I've heard of some cases where even in XP the settings are being lost.

    IMHO, you'll never need any other setting than 6 anyway!

  • Windows Vista.
    The reason why I want to change it is to make the compression faster so I can output videos quicker.
    Thanks for your help!
  • Yep, that helped. Will I need to run it as a administrator every time or will it automactically do that?
  • Nope, I answered my own question.

    Here's a new one (sorry!): Everytime I change the audio settings, they go back to 22.05 kHz mono 16-bit (I like to keep it at 11.025 kHz)-is there a way to do this?
  • SabresMania,

    Try using the MSADPCM compressor for your audio - it maintains sync well in my experiments, even at 44.1 (as it is a 4-bit "sliding" algorithm - there's an article at my site - the last one).

    I don't know why it keeps reverting to 22.05 on you unless it is a system setting thing (I assume now that you are running always as administrator - that's the only way settings can be saved.)

  • edited May 2011
    Yes, I am running it as an administrator.
    It's not the compressor issue (it keeps sync perfectly) but every time I close the program, it goes back to the original settings.

    It's okay, I'll just remember to set it back to what I want every time I open the program.

    Not audio related, but still one of those what-do-you-recommend questions, I currently have " set key frames every " to 200. Is that okay, or should I set it lower (again, this deals with trying to get the smallest size possible, so if I should lower it, what's the highest you recommend it to be?)

    Thanks for sticking with me for all these questions!
  • SabresMania,

    I have settled on a compromise of 100 for that setting when I want small files, as setting it too high reportedly affects the "seek" time - that is, the time it takes when you click on the progress bar at the bottom of the player when you want to jump to a spot in the video. For normal use, it seems 30 is a good setting.

    For a detailed discussion of this that explains what those key frames actually are, see the third page of the "Best Settings To Sync Audio and Video" article:

    Also, if you are wondering how MSADPCM works, there is an article here that explains that:

  • edited May 2011
    I just updated that article on how MSADPCM works:

    It has a more fitting conclusion based upon discoveries Mike Wallace's and I made during our long, stretched-over-days efforts at recording longer times without going over the AVI video size limit. (That session is here: )

  • Okay, thanks.

    Is 16-bit good enough in terms of color/display settings?
  • edited May 2011

    Yes, 16-bit is a good choice, and reduces file size somewhat, as well as reducing some strain on the CPU. Be absolutely certain that your recording region is a multiple of 2 in pixel width and height for YouTube, or it will skew.

    If using Sizer with a window region in Version 2.6, be aware of that bug in 2.6 r294 that adds a pixel to the height and width, so you have to make your source windows one pixel smaller in both directions (like 1279X719 to result in a 1280X720 final recording).

  • What does it mean to have the video to skew?
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